Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday already?

I've not been the best blogger, mostly because I wanted to figure out something new and different to do with this blog. I think I've got it figured out - in addition to updating, I'm going to do food reviews. I eat a lot of low calorie meals - Lean Cuisines, Weight Watchers, etc., plus I'm always trying out new products based on recommendations, such as VitaTops (my new love). I'm going to start reviewing these products as I eat them, to let everyone else know what's worth trying and what's best left on the shelf.

Official weigh-in day tomorrow. I'm afraid I haven't lost much, if anything at all, but I feel my body changing. My upper body definitely looks trimmer, and I feel stronger. Muscle does weigh more than fat, so I'll try to keep that in mind when I get on the scale tomorrow.

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